Jesus Christ Is Our Savior | Come unto Christ

Jesus Christ Is Our Savior

The greatest happiness in life comes from following Jesus. We believe in learning all we can about Him. You will feel His love for you as you seek to understand His life and teachings. 

The Meaning of His Life

Learn more about Jesus Christ—where He came from, how He lived, and what He means for your life. 

Jesus Christ smiling invites all to come unto Him
Jesus Christ smiling invites all to come unto Him

Because of Him

Explore what's possible because of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is our Savior. Because of Him, we can change for the better and live again with God.

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Become the best version of yourself through Jesus Christ. Missionaries can help.

Change is possible. Start your journey today by meeting with missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Request a visit.

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The Living Christ

"We solemnly testify that His life, which is central to all human history neither began in Bethlehem nor concluded on Calvary." Read the Church's official declaration on the importance of Jesus Christ as our Savior. 

Easter & Christmas: Celebrating Jesus’s Life

As we understand Jesus’s life and come to know Him, Easter and Christmas take on new meaning. They become special, holy days that remind us of His goodness and grace.

Read More about Jesus and What His Life Means to You